
Dakar [ˈdækə]  [dəˈkɑr, ˈdækˌɑr] 

Dakar 基本解释
Dakar 网络解释

1. 达喀尔:Dex是非洲人,准确的说是非洲西部人,说起一个赛事想必大家就会有概念了,达喀尔 (Dakar) 拉力赛. 达喀尔汽车拉力赛原名巴黎-达喀尔汽车拉力赛,整个赛事途经葡萄牙、西班牙、摩洛哥、毛里塔尼亚、西撒哈拉、塞内加尔等地,

2. 塞内加尔 达喀尔:航程:亚洲-中国-北京(beijing)到非洲塞内加尔达喀尔(Dakar)特价机票查询三字代码:北京首都国际机场(PEK)-达喀尔国际机场(DKR)

3. 达卡:於七九年在柯觉(Edem Kodjo)的主导之下,OAU决定面对人权问题,在达卡(Dakar)召开专家会议,负责起草宪章,他所提议的指导原则如下:非洲的情况至为复杂,不只有黑白对峙,还有不同国家、种族、语言、文化、信仰的差异,

4. 达喀尔[塞内加尔]:D Dacca 达卡(孟加拉国) | Dakar 达喀尔(塞内加尔) | Dalian 大连(中国)

Dakar 单语例句

1. Dakar是什么意思

1. This is the fourth time the Dakar has been staged on the continent since being uprooted from its habitual African habitat due to security concerns.

2. Dakar

2. Nine of the rally's stages were to pass through Mauritania en route to Dakar, where the rally was scheduled to finish on January 20.

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3. The Chinese driver hails the Dakar Rally as the most important event of auto racing.

4. Motorcyclist Han Baohua became the fourth Chinese participant to withdraw from the Dakar Rally before the start of the ninth stage on Tuesday.

5. Dakar的反义词

5. France warned the Dakar organisers on Thursday against holding stages in Mauritania because it said " the terrorist risk " cannot be ruled out.

6. Dakar是什么意思

6. This is in line with the goals and commitments set out by the Dakar framework.

7. This event is celebrated with joy and solemnity and mainly with a majestic civil and military parade in Dakar.

8. The 2012 Dakar will feature five stages apiece in Argentina and Chile and four stages in Peru.

9. This time I am with a team which has never won Dakar.

10. Two boys were hit and killed by vehicles last year provoking another outcry that the Dakar should be scrapped.