
Duma [ˈdu:mə]  [ˈdumə] 

Duma 基本解释


名词<俄> 杜马(俄皇时代的国会,俄罗斯议会)

Duma 网络解释


1. 杜玛:将于4月29日上映的<<杜玛>>(Duma)讲的是一个白人小男孩如何将他喂养的一只宠物印度豹放归野外的故事. 而将于5月底上映的动画片<<马达加斯加>>,则是关于被困在马达加斯加岛上的一只狮子和一匹斑马的故事. 另外,两部关于人的新片,

2. (俄)杜马,俄罗斯议会:duet 二重唱 | Duma (俄)杜马,俄罗斯议会 | dux 学习标兵,学习尖子

3. (俄)下议院:Diet(丹麦、日本等)国会 | Duma(俄)下议院 | Exchequer(英)财政部

4. duma:distuibute and universal media access; 平台)系统

Duma 单语例句

1. Duma的翻译

1. Putin took the newly created job of party chairman for four years, giving him guaranteed control of the Duma for the same period.

2. " He liked to ask the big questions, " Duma said.

3. Duma的近义词

3. The figures only apply to the half of the Duma's 450 seats awarded on the strength of national party lists.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. A total of seven political parties are competing for 450 seats in the State Duma, or the lower house of the parliament.

5. BEIJING - China on Friday recognized the Russian State Duma election, rebutting allegations by the US that the vote was marred by fraud.

6. The outcome of the State Duma election secured Putin's power structure - the completion of a new political system.

7. The treaty also must win approval by the Russian Duma, and the two legislative processes are likely to take months.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. Russians voted on Sunday in a new State Duma lower house of parliament, the first such poll during President Vladimir Putin's tenure.

9. Duma的反义词

9. The final reading in the Duma is set for tomorrow, after which the bill will go to the upper house.

10. The US and Russian presidents had agreed that the ratification process should be simultaneous at US Senate and Russia's Duma.