EMS [ˌi: em ˈes] [emz] 

EMS 基本解释



EMS 网络解释

1. (邮政)特快专递:根据手机及电脑本身系统及相关硬件驱动安装和管理软件进行操作. 如有硬件(Modem)冲突,请客户按照说明和提示操作. 为保证商品安全快速到达客户手中,我们只采用邮政特快专 递(EMS)或顺丰速递邮寄,全国范围内一般23天内到货.

2. 发动机管理系统:我们认为,中国推不出能够真正满足大多数消费者需求的产品是中国新能源汽车难以产业化的根本原因,其背后的深层原因在于中国的汽车电子控制系统(发动机管理系统(EMS)、制动防抱死系统(ABS)等)的弱势地位.

3. 环境监测卫星:氟晶云母(又称人造云母、合成云母)因其纯净度高,技术参数稳定和极好的电绝缘性能及耐冷热冲击性能(已做冷热冲击试验),被某研究所选用于神州八号宇宙飞船(国家重点航天项目)及环境监测卫星(EMS)作绝缘片.

4. 专业电子制造服务:磐鸿科技(深圳)有限公司主要从事专业电子制造服务(EMS). 為客户提供表面贴着技术(SMT)、传统插件(DIP)和系统组装(System)生产等全方位之服务. 主要的产品服务项目包括车载计算机、博弈机台、医疗设备、网络通讯与储存、数字监控、工业应用以及POS物流控制设备等ODM/OEM产品服务,

5. ems:electromagnetic wave shielding; 电磁屏蔽

6. ems:environmental managment system; 环境管理体系

7. ems:electron magnetic stirring; 电磁搅拌

8. ems:scanning eletron micro-scope; 扫描电镜

EMS 单语例句

1. The massive widening of the EMS bands to 15% on either side of a central parity initially made a single currency appear more remote.

2. Two regional emergency medical resources centers act as " communication coordinators " between EMS providers and the medical facilities.

3. Last Monday, the MOFCOM received a notice from EMS about the EWA application.

4. EMS的解释

4. EMS is the only official one in China that can handle private letters and has particular advantage handling mail within China.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. According to a government statement, the central government will stop subsidizing the group in postal businesses like EMS.

6. EMS的反义词

6. The absence of an obvious safe haven may at some point cap outflows from EMs.

7. Second, slower growth in Europe should cap exports from those EMs that are exposed to Europe.

8. When China Post launched EMS business in 1985, it was the sole express delivery provider in the country.

9. EMS的解释

9. EMS this year is expected to achieve a growth of around 10 per cent of its revenues.

10. EMS'exclusive operation in certain businesses is a legal right granted by the government.