EU [ˌi: ˈju:]  [ˌi:'ju:] 

EU 基本解释


abbr.European Union 欧盟; Energy Unit 能量单位

EU 网络解释

1. 欧洲联盟(欧盟):葡萄牙属欧洲联盟(欧盟)(EU)成诒,有助促进经济的稳定发展,主要有赖于日渐增强的贸易联系,以及引入资金用作改善国内的基建设施. 为符合经济及货币联盟(EMU)的要求,葡萄牙同意减低财政赤字及进行结构改革.

2. 欧盟:欧盟(EU)经济货币事务委员瑞恩(Olli Rehn)周五(3月19日)敦促欧盟领导人在下周举行的瑞恩强调,希腊总理提出可能向国际货币基金组织(IMF)求援,这样的行动将使欧盟陷入希腊总理帕潘德里欧(George Papandreou)近期敦促欧盟国家首脑在下周举行的领导人峰

3. eu:externally use; 外用

4. eu:executive unit; 执行单元

5. eu:electrostatic unit; 静电单位

6. eu:european union; 欧洲联盟

EU 词典解释

1. 欧盟
    The EU is an organization of European countries which have joint policies on matters such as trade, agriculture, and finance. EU is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'European Union'.

EU 单语例句

1. EU

1. China has ruled out any specific buying plan for the EU financial stability fund.

2. EU的解释

2. Spain and Poland are determined to hang on to voting rights that give them a disproportionate weight inside EU councils by comparison with their populations.

3. EU的意思

3. By contrast, most formerly East European countries have boomed and joined the EU in the past decade.

4. China is the EU's biggest source of imports by far and has also become the EU's fastest growing export market.

5. EU的反义词

5. The EU thinks it has much to gain by striking the right trade balance.

6. Millions of Ukraine's citizens favor EU membership, but their enthusiasm is tempered by the absence of a clear EU policy towards Ukraine.

7. EU

7. Mandelson earlier told the Xinhua News Agency that the EU would not join the US in its WTO action against China over piracy.

8. The latest case by the EU is against China's data card, which is the largest ever against Chinese exports by value worldwide.

9. It plans to release an official statement after the EU has taken further official action on the case.

10. The EU's collapse would be a calamity, for the whole world.