
Eden [ˈi:dn]  ['i:dn] 

Eden 基本解释


Eden 网络解释


1. 重回失乐园:她绝美的女高音创下超过1500万张专辑销售纪录,已出专辑<<月光女神>>(LA LUNA)、<<重回失乐园>>(EDEN)、<<告别时刻>>(TIME TO SAY GOODBYE)、<<一千零一夜>>(Harem)等,而像单曲<<告别时刻>>等早已传唱世界,是许多大型文艺汇演的必备曲目.

2. 伊登:由喜剧演员迪兰.莫兰主演的<<一部有我出镜的影片>>(A Film With Me In It)和在纽约翠贝卡电影节上获得最佳女主角奖的影片<<伊登>>(Eden)也将代表爱尔兰亮相戛纳.

Eden 单语例句

1. Mark Eden appeared in court today but the hearing was postponed until February 13 because paperwork had not been distributed to all parties correctly.

2. Eden的反义词

2. Eden said he was flattered by the response from abroad but he already had his hands full with women in Germany.

3. The artists were reluctant to eventually relinquish their art Eden and were determined not to give up without a fight.

4. Paul airport and a news helicopter hovered over their route to the team's suburban practice facility in Eden Prairie.

5. Eden

5. Some people are convinced that Eve ate a pomegranate and not the legendary apple in the Garden of Eden.

6. Eden的近义词

6. They enjoyed doing their art together, exchanging ideas and cooperating in holding exhibitions in this " Art Eden ".

7. Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden with nothing but fig leaves and fur to cover their nakedness.

8. Eden的解释

8. An Eden post typically averages several hundreds of hits while usually no replies.

9. Eden is confident he has a few more decades and countless women ahead of him.

10. Eden的反义词

10. You may not see Adam and Eve but you will find the Garden of Eden, a veritable paradise on Earth.