

Er 基本解释


abbr.erbium 铒

Er 网络解释

1. 铒:克服了传统固定床反应器的不足,应用新型的光纤式反应器催化降解4-氯苯酚,降解率达到95%.用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)同时测定化妆品中镧(La)、铈(Ce)、镨(Pr)、钕(Nd)、钐(Sm)、铕(Eu)、钆(Gd)、铽(Tb)、镝(Dy)、钬(Ho)、铒(Er)、铥(Tm)、镱(

2. 儿:多拉虽没有犹太血(xue)统,为了能和(he)儿(er)子(zi)丈夫在一起,毅然同行,在集中营里毅然前同行被分开关押. 圭多不愿让孩子(zi)幼小的心灵蒙上悲惨的阴影,在惨无人(ren)道的集中营里,他(ta)骗儿(er)子(zi)这只是一场游戏.

3. 急诊室的故事:朱莉-鲍恩最近客串了<<单身毒妈>>(Weeds),而莎拉-吉尔伯特曾出演过<<三年二班>>(The Class)<<急诊室的故事>>(ER)等. 同时,曾出演<<篮球兄弟>>(One Tree Hill)的米凯勒-麦克曼努斯(Michaela McManus)也将出现在<<法律与秩序:非凡受害者>>新一季首播中,

4. er.:earned runs; 投手失分

5. er:estron receptor; 雌激素受体

6. er:endoplastic reticulum; 内质网

7. er:extinction-ratio; 消光比

8. er:entity-relationship; 实体关系

Er 词典解释

1. 哦,呃,嗯(表示说话时的犹豫)
    Er is used in writing to represent the sound that people make when they hesitate, especially while they decide what to say next.

    e.g. I would challenge the, er, suggestion that we're in third place...
    e.g. People that are addicted to drugs get er help from the government one way or another.

Er 单语例句

1. Zhao has recently been listed as a cultural heritage carrier of Er Ren Zhuan, a comic performance simultaneously given by two people from the Northeast.

2. Peasant Niu Er's job is to protect the village dairy cow, which supplies milk for wounded Chinese soldiers.

3. Dance drama " Hua er " from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region won the gold.

4. Oscar provides a relaxing environment to unwind aft er a busy day.

5. A massive search and rescue operation was launched aft er 40 people were feared missing.

6. According to the BBC, he was admitted to the hospital two weeks ago aft er complaining of chest pains.

7. The failure of electric pumps led to a run on gasoline, with Detroit residents lining up to fill'er up.

8. Earlier this year we were at a posh Chinese diner, with the writer Li Er and a few literary friends.

9. He once cut off flesh from his thigh for the hungry Chong Er to eat.

10. The grand finale is a story by Li Er, which is irreverent and unsparing about China's emergence in the new world order.