
Europeanize [ˌjʊərəˈpi:ənaɪz]  [ˌjʊrəˈpi:ənaɪz] 





Europeanize 基本解释


Europeanize 网络解释


1. 使欧化, 使具有欧洲风格:be screwed [俚]喝醉 醉得晕头转向 | Europeanize 使欧化, 使具有欧洲风格 | scale incrustation 水垢, 水锈

2. 使欧化:Europeanism 欧洲主义 | Europeanize 使欧化 | europium 铕

3. 使具有欧洲风格:Europeanize 使具有欧洲风格 | Europeanizewesternize 欧化 | Europeanlanguage 欧洲语言

4. 欧化/使具有欧洲风格:Europeanism /欧洲主义/欧洲人的特征/ | Europeanize /欧化/使具有欧洲风格/ | Europen /欧洲/

Europeanize 双语例句


1. The vast Europeanize Pasture is a place that many people had long been thinking about and yearning after.

2. At the same time, the modern vernacular also made great advances and presented an Europeanize tendency. It incorporated many things and formed eventually a kind of modern Chinese national written language system.

3. Also exit, the eldest brother cctv1 europeanize, wide to find my agent tall together to discuss the matter.

4. Uncle europeanize, dressed in a day is fashionable clothes, two sets of a set of activities, leisure clothing shirt run run meals.

5. We finished the 2005 MaDaShuai 3 after the start, when its programs for poor health and because I don't want to go to the eldest brother said europeanize cctv1, eldest brother also promised more, so after 3 years to have established in 2009, the eternal song dan-dan famous.

6. June 2009, 16, zhao4 ben3 shan in Shanghai, a lecture on the stage in the skit always keen to adhere to the farmer uncle europeanize, image in fashionable dress of Shanghai city, do as the Romans do fashion.

7. It is newest bang only than before more rich and colorful, wait for neat big bang to be dominant with what Europeanize feels, and of flavour of those enchanting inclined bang, haing day exceed short bang to wait a moment none inferior also.


8. The poems with forms and rules under the influence of the classical poems and the poems preferring to Europeanize.