
FO 基本解释

abbr.Foreign Office <英>外交部

FO 网络解释

1. 冰封球:Meteorb女巫使用火系的的流星(Meteor)和冰系的冰封球(FO). 为了那些没耐心的人,让我们从最终的技能加法开始:血,一直被认为是生命力的象征. 人在长期的生息过程中了解到血决定着生命的延续,大量地失血会带来死亡.

2. 前方观察员:模拟器能对所有的前方观察员(FO)所,FDCs和营枪炮所军官(GPO)进行模拟. 它也包含了教员平台,系统管理员平台和一间Briefing/Debriefing房间. 该模拟器是模型化的,能够满足成套需求.

3. 法罗群岛:法国 .fr | 法罗群岛 .fo | 法属波利尼西亚 .pf

4. fo:fibre-optic; 光导纤维

5. fo:fading-out; 渐隐

6. fo:fiber optics; 光纤传感器

7. fo:fading out; 淡出

FO 单语例句

1. There are also thousands fo police and soldiers standing guard both day and night to keep order and ensure passenger safety.

2. FO

2. It contains three Buddhist shrines, and Qian Fo Kan is on the left.

3. The funniest scene is that of a wall painted with a giant fo, the Chinese word for Buddha.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Qian Fo Kan is now considered southern China's only preserved Buddha shine that overwhelmingly depicts Buddhist subjects.

5. Qian Fo Kan will become a new attraction for tourists when it finishes renovation in October.

6. Fo Guang Temple in Wutai Mountain has the only temple mural of the Tang Dynasty.

7. Experts consider the cultural value of Qian Fo Kan to be equal to that of Longmen and Yungang grottoes.