Fish Tank

Fish Tank

Fish Tank 单语例句

1. It was such a hassle to move that damn tank and questions rose in my mind like the bubbles in my fish tank.

2. Thornley said she didn't want to look in the direction of the tank because she was sure the fish would be long dead.

3. He was the famous oracle in an oversized fish tank who predicted outcomes of this year's 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

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4. There's also a big children's department, with a tank with piranha fish in it.

5. Fish Tank的解释

5. We heard a splash and turned to see a plump fish leaping from his tank, as if determined to be part of our dinner.

6. To your left now will be a region peopled by peaceful fish tank supply farmers.

7. Owning a big fish tank has been one of my many life goals.

8. After he once asked for some drinking water, she had a substantial fish tank delivered to his room.

9. Fish Tank是什么意思

9. Like its other branch in Beijing at Xiaoyun Street near the US embassy, this restaurant has a big fish tank.

10. Fish Tank的意思

10. Now cooking and bathing are much easier and Chen even bought a large fish tank, which he placed in the living room.