
Florence ['flɔ:rəns, 'flɒr-]  ['flɔ:rənsˌ 'flɑ:r-] 

Florence 基本解释

名词弗洛伦斯(女子名); 佛罗伦萨(意大利都市)

Florence 网络解释

1. (佛羅倫斯):意大利语中,佛罗伦斯(florence)又名翡冷翠(firenze),这个出自徐志摩笔下的译名,充满浪漫诗意. 宽阔简练的门边框,温暖细腻的樱桃木色,壮阔的一字形柜体,科宝博洛尼这套橱柜让人想起曾经叱咤一时的足球名将巴蒂在黄昏的霞光里看着漫漫黄沙,

2. 郭少芸:郭少芸(Florence)在<<毕打自己人>>的智慧时代型女形象,最近吸引了广告商垂青,接拍了瑞士家用羊胎素广告. 一直以比较硬朗形象示人的Florence,除了show off其一贯型格时代女性形象外,还有柔情似水的造型,...

3. 弗洛伦斯:即便有着09年全英销量冠军加持,并被多家媒体赞为天籁之音,但苏珊大妈却遭遇零提名. 综观提名榜单,大热全被一众出位女星拿下,Lady Gaga、弗洛伦斯(Florence)、莉莉-艾伦(Lily A llen)、皮克茜-洛特(PixieLott)在提名环节

Florence 单语例句

1. The supermodel and the former drug addict were browsing over sparkling bands during a romantic trip to Florence at the weekend.

2. The civil protection said it was monitoring several swelling rivers, including the Tiber and Florence's Arno.

3. It later became part of the collection of Florence's powerful Medici family, who commissioned several interventions aimed primarily at covering traces of the fissures.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. A cultural exchange program between Ningbo and Florence has unexpectedly hit an aesthetic roadblock.

5. I really feel this is the year of the girl, with La Roux and Little Boots and Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine.

6. Surely the most intriguing fixture is between Italy and Germany in Florence, given the two nations'success over the years.

7. What a shame Vampire Weekend and Florence and the Machine weren't nominated.

8. His debut dates back to 1997 in Florence, and he followed it a year later with a memorable show in the Forbidden City.

9. Florence - Call it a global victory for underwear rights or the biggest mass change in fashion history.

10. Florence and the Machine are also keen to contribute, and will donate all proceeds from a concert in Australia next week to the cause.