
Genova ['dʒenəʊə]  ['dʒenoʊr] 

Genova 基本解释
Genova 网络解释

1. 意大利 热那亚:出生于意大利热那亚(Genova)的贫穷家庭中,五岁学习曼陀林,两年后改学令他响誉乐坛的小提琴. 九岁首次登台演奏自已的作品,十三岁旅行演出,足迹遍及维也纳、德国、巴黎和英国. 还会演奏吉他和中提琴. 1795年往帕尔马(Parma)向小提琴技艺高超的努拉(Rolla)寻学,

2. 吉诺瓦:昨日在多伦多电影节交易市场被IFC公司买断了发行权)、迈克尔-温特波特姆的<<吉诺瓦>>(Genova)、阿里-弗尔曼的<<与巴谢尔跳华尔兹>>(Waltz With Bashir)以及<<007之余温之恋>>(Quantum of Solace ,

3. (城市名)热那亚:词汇 Vocabolario | Genova (城市名)热那亚 | Claudia (人名)克劳迪娅

Genova 双语例句


1. From LONG BEACH, CA port/customs and all suppliers exported from Port GENOVA - Genoa, SR2 SNC, which includes the contacts of trading parties, detailed cargo information FURNITURES...
    与来自 GENOVA Genoa 的出口商 SR2 SNC 买卖双方的详细交易数据,包含了进出口双方的联系资料以及货物FURNITURES 。。。

2. When I first come in Genova as a student...


3. It says here that Genova used to be the richest city in the world.

4. The training session will be held in the afternoon at 15:00hrs, after which the team will leave for Genova.

5. Venice and Genova were the two biggest trading cities in Italy.

6. Year old Zack Genova showed experience and driving ability beyond his years and was able to take the win in both Stock Buggy and Stock Truck.

7. Base safety training in genova italy.

8. I shall be returning it to Genova in about a week.

9. Corsica is a large French island located to the south-east of mainland France in the west Mediterranean Sea (close to Genova, Italy).


10. Wittgenstein: A Way of Seeing, London: Routledge, 1995.