

Greenwich 基本解释



Greenwich 网络解释


1. 格林威治大学:本站讯(国际交流培训中心张韵婷)日前,为配合我校与诺丁汉大学(Nottingham)、布鲁赖尔大学(Brunel)、鲁顿大学(Luton)、格林威治大学(Greenwich)等多所大学联合办学项目的顺利开展,保证我校有意赴英深造的学生取得优良的雅思成绩 ,

2. 格林尼治大学:来自格林尼治大学(Greenwich)的廖含文博士,则以自己的学术研究工作经历,把人际关系(network)的重要性叙述得淋漓尽致,使在场同学受益匪浅. 对于给记者印象最深刻的Steve,则用了一部大家都很熟悉的电影<>来鼓励同学们不要轻言放弃,

3. 格林威治:更多有关 伦敦 (London) 格林威治(Greenwich) 华丽的建筑、热闹的市集、迷人的旧式酒馆,和充满海洋味道的空气融合在一起,使得格林威治成为游客和伦敦居民最爱去的地方之一.

Greenwich 单语例句

1. The reunited pop group played their final London gig in the former Millennium Dome in Greenwich last night before heading to Manchester today.

2. Army personnel were attending gymnastics sessions yesterday morning at the North Greenwich Arena during down time from security duties.

3. The report suggests Pitt dropped his ex off at the Greenwich Hotel an hour later.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. It's been 10 years since Haier America bought the wonderful former head office of Greenwich Bank.

5. Nearby Greenwich Park will offer equestrian events, including the modern pentathlon.

6. Word spread after a TV crew discovered the rat infestation Friday morning and filmed it through a window of the Greenwich Village building.

7. The parade follows a lavender line painted on the street and ends at Christopher and Greenwich streets in Greenwich village.

8. This was not a San Francisco foreign film festival or New York's Greenwich Village this was the US heartland and as mainstream as it gets.

9. David Beckham meets pupils from his old school during the launch of his own football academy in Greenwich.

10. That's to say that all time is measured against the Greenwich Meridian, and the basic time for the world is Greenwich Mean Time.