
Helvetian [helˈvi:ʃjən]  [hɛlˈviʃən] 

Helvetian 基本解释
Helvetian 网络解释


1. 海尔微阶:helve 柄;给...装柄 | Helvetian 海尔微阶 | helvite 日光榴石

2. 赫尔维蒂的:Helvetia 赫尔维蒂 | Helvetian 赫尔维蒂的 | Helvetic 瑞誓基督徒

3. 海尔微统(中新统):海豆芽类 lingulids | 海尔微统(中新统) Helvetian | 海峰 seapeak

Helvetian 双语例句

1. Another division has been adopted by the English and Helvetian Protestant churches on the authority of Philo Judus, Josephus, Origen, and others, whereby two Commandments are made to cover the matter of worship, and thus the numbering of the rest is advanced one higher; and the Tenth embraces both the Ninth and Tenth of the Catholic division.
    另一部已经正式通过了英语和helvetian新教教会的权威斐洛judus ,约瑟夫,渊源,和其他人,即两条诫命,是为了掩盖事情的崇拜,所以号码的,其余是先进生产力较高;和第十届包含了两个第九和第十的天主教会记名表决。