1. 荷伯特:海外旅客航站码头(Overseas Passenger Terminal)位于著名的岩石区(The Rock),与悉尼的两大地标 - -...这次的钻石公主号游轮航程共12晚,12月12日从悉尼(Sydney)启航,经过澳大利亚的墨尔本(Melbourne),荷伯特(Hobart),横渡塔斯曼海(T
2. 霍伯特:塔斯马尼亚大学位於澳洲南部的岛州-塔斯马尼亚. 学校有两个主校区,分别位於霍伯特(Hobart)及朗塞斯顿(Launceston),校园距市中心仅几公里,环境优美,大多数学生均住在步行可到校内的区域.
3. 霍伯特 德国, 心中的光亭:Hiram 海勒 希伯来 身份地位高尚的;尊贵的. | Hobart 霍伯特 德国 心中的光亭. | Hogan 霍根 爱尔兰 永远年轻的.
1. " Zheng has had an outstanding year on the tour and has really come of age, " director of the Hobart tournament Michael Roberts said.
2. Hobart的反义词
2. The consul said the girl was studying in Hobart on a student visa.
3. Hobart的反义词
3. She ruins Hobart's car by spilling paint all over it in a rainbow of colors.
4. Wenzel said Friday that it was possible the Japanese ship would alter its plan to dock in Hobart due to the planned protests.
5. Wild Oats XI won an unprecedented line honours victory for the fourth successive year in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race on Sunday.
6. Robson will play in Hobart next week to tune up for the Australian Open, which swings off on Jan 14.
7. Hobart
7. She has captured three career singles titles, in relatively small events at Hobart in 2005 and Estoril and Stockholm in 2006.
8. But she has already reached the semifinals in Auckland and Hobart this year, and now the fourth round at the season's first Grand Slam.
9. He was taken to the Royal Hobart Hospital where he is recovering from his injuries.
10. " I'm really looking forward to starting the new year at the Hobart International, " Williams said in a statement released by tournament organisers on Friday.