Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion 基本解释

Holy Communion的翻译


Holy Communion 网络解释

1. 圣餐:圣餐 (Holy Communion) 亦神交圣礼. 三天主教称圣体圣事,其礼仪称弥撒. 东正称圣体血. ;>>真基督教新教称圣餐. 据<<新约圣经>>记载,耶稣与十二门徒进最后晚餐时,拿起吃的饼和喝的酒向诸门徒祝福,分给他们,说

2. 圣餐(仪式):17. hole and corner偷偷摸摸. | 18. Holy communion圣餐(仪式). | 19. How are the mighty fallen!一世之雄,而今安在!

3. 圣餐;圣餐仪式 Corpus Christi 圣体节:312.hide one's light under a bushel 不露锋芒;不显露自己的才能 | 314.Holy communion 圣餐;圣餐仪式 Corpus Christi 圣体节 | 315.Hosea 何西阿

4. 圣体:复活节 Easter | 圣体 Holy Communion | 告解又称忏悔penance

Holy Communion 词典解释

1. (基督教)圣餐礼
    Holy Communion is the most important religious service in the Christian church, in which people share bread and wine as a symbol of the Last Supper and the death of Christ.