Hubble law

Hubble law[ˈhʌbl lɔ:] 

Hubble law 基本解释
Hubble law 网络解释

Hubble law的翻译

1. 哈伯定律:这两个位在南天的银河系卫星星系,常见的名称为大麦哲伦星云(LMC)和小麦哲伦星云(SMC).哈伯从星系红外移数据,归纳出後来称为哈伯定律(Hubble Law)的一个公式:箭头所指的是似星体3C 48,它距离地球是40亿光年.(Freedman)

2. 哈伯定律= 哈勃定律:Hubble constant 哈伯常數= 哈勃常數 | Hubble law 哈伯定律= 哈勃定律 | Hugoniot equation 雨剛呢方程[式] =于戈尼奧方程

3. 哈勃定律:哈勃常量 Hubble constant | 哈勃定律 Hubble law | 哈勃望远镜 Hubble telescope

Hubble law 双语例句

1. At Oxford, Hubble studied law.

2. Hubble law in astronomy means there is gravitational repulsion in the universe, and it is in contradiction with Newton's law of universal gravitation.

3. The mass between us and Virgo tends to decelerate the recession of our galaxy, as expected according to Hubble's law by about ten percent.

4. The great achievements and discoveries of astrophysics in the past 20 century are reviewed, including Einstein's relativity theory, Hubble's law, and Big Bang model, etc.

5. In this paper, evolution of the universe under expanding and contracting is discussed with Hubble law and Friedmann Equation, and point that evolution of the universe originates from mation of contracting and expanding.

6. Regard Hubble's law as the prerequisite, the observation fact of some astrophysics, in order to accord with, have described the part the past and future of about 20 billion light-years of universe of us, have introduced the universe theory of the large explosion briefly.

Hubble law

7. The results of these investigations is now known as Hubble's Law.


8. This became known as Hubble's law, and would help establish that the known universe is expanding.

9. This is Hubble's discovery in 1929, following Hubble's law, after 1931, and further to get.

10. This relationship between speed and distance is known as the Hubble law of recession, or Hubble's law.

11. In the adapted model of the Hubble law of the universe, the observable universe, the maximum distance is called Hubble distance.

12. Hubble's Law depends upon the shifting of the wavelength of light and after having been delineated in 1929 has been subsequently proven over and over again.

13. Notice that, according to Hubble's law, the universe does not expand at a single speed.

Hubble law的近义词

14. Some people get confused by the fact that some galaxies do not obey hubble's law.

Hubble law

15. Does this prediction of faster-than-light galaxies mean that Hubble's law is wrong?

16. In fact, Hubble's law predicts that galaxies beyond a certain distance, known as the Hubble distance, recede faster than the speed of light.

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