1. 玉米:亦称印第安玉米(indian corn)或maize,亦称玉蜀黍. 玉米除有饲料价值以外,对人也有很多好处,现代研究证实,玉米中含有丰富的不饱和脂肪酸,尤其是亚油酸的含量高达60%以上,它和玉米胚芽中的维生素E协同作用,可降低血液胆固醇浓度并防止其沉积于血管壁.
2. 玉蜀黍:Chinese corn粟 | Indian corn玉蜀黍 | corn flakes玉米片
3. (英国)玉米:German shepherd牧羊狗或狼狗 | Greek gift存心害人的礼物 | Indian corn(英国)玉米
4. 玉米,玉蜀黍:index of refraction 折射率 | Indian corn 玉米,玉蜀黍 | Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) 印度遥感卫星
1. The modified dress will depict landscapes of corn and cactus fields and decorative elements from Indian cultures.
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2. " Indian corn " as a table or door decoration represents the harvest and the fall season.