
Isaac [ˈaizək]  [ˈaɪzək] 

Isaac 基本解释
艾萨克,来源于希伯来语男子名,含义是“笑”(to laugh);
Isaac 网络解释

1. 艾萨克:这难得的平静时光,却因为昔日伙伴 艾萨克(Isaac)的出现而破灭,自己挚爱的妻子也因此死亡,为了复仇,赫克特于是一路追捕艾萨克并回到他的出身地,发现该地已经被德古拉的黑暗魔力所影响,完全变了一个样...

2. 以撒:希伯来人牧首(patriarch),以撒(Isaac)之子,亚伯拉罕之孙,以色列人传统上以他为祖先. 其事迹记载于<创世记>. 他是以扫(Esau)的孪生弟弟,雅各以欺骗的手法,从父亲那里获得祝福和以扫的长子名分(birthright). 在一次前往迦南的旅途中,

3. 伊萨克:在第19集中,幕后Boss林德曼(Linderman)自己也有超能力,并且他还是纽约爆炸计划的幕后人物,目的是造成大范围的恐慌;新的角色会被引入:一个20多岁的电脑怪人和警卫;伊萨克(Isaac)还会活着,彼得则会换上一个新的外表.

4. 艾扎克:□艾扎克(Isaac) 与伟大的英国物理学家牛顿(Isaac Newton)同名!□提狄斯(Thethys) 希腊神话里的海洋女神□米诺斯(Minos) 宙斯与欧罗巴(Europa)之子,拉达曼迪斯的兄弟,冥界的判

Isaac 单语例句

1. But Tropical Storm Isaac could pose a threat to Romney's plans.

2. The young students coached by Isaac Stern during his visit to China in 1979 have all developed successful careers in performing or teaching.

3. Isaac

3. " Certain progress has been made compared with how things were until now, " Israeli cabinet minister Isaac Herzog told Israeli Army Radio.

4. Isaac's potential landfall as a Category 1 hurricane as early as Tuesday prompted evacuations along a wide area of the Gulf Coast.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. " People who come to Grantham are more interested in Isaac Newton, " who attended school in the town from 1655 to 1661.

6. The Republican National Committee on Saturday evening canceled prepared events for next Monday, the opening day of its party convention due to the impact of Isaac.

7. One of the Emmy nominees for best animated program is the episode of " South Park " that's said to have angered Tom Cruise and Isaac Hayes.

8. Cheung has a brief role in Isaac Julien's " Better Life, " an experimental film that is also a video installation.

9. It determines the path of Hong Kong football - doomed to stagnate into insignificance, or fulfil the dreams of Bosco and Isaac and start a new history.

10. Isaac的意思

10. Bands of rain and gusty winds are expected in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Thursday into Friday as Isaac passes to the south.