A:Clark's Theater.
B:I hear that you have a Italy Symphony Orchestra concert on the 15th evening.And I wonder if there are some balcony seats still available.
A:I'm sorry, all the balcony seats are gone.
B:All right. Please hold two orchestra seats for us.
A:OK.Can I have your name, please?
B:My last name is Chen. C-H-E-N.
1. 義大利:马来西亚 (Malaysia) 义大利 (Italy) 日本 (Japan) 新加坡 (Singapore) 越南 (Vietnam)图友们在这边互相鼓励、为彼此打气,地图日记的故事图友们还一篇一篇的正在写下去.
2. 义大:师接著讨 义大(Italy)与英国(England)18 世纪,特别是维多亚还有 主角虂西(Lucy) 断的欺骗他人自己情绪与掩饰情感的原因,或多或放映完窗外有 天(A Room with a View)后, 师带 学生探 8 个议题别是早期生活(Early life)以及其父母亲对其影响,
3. 意大利共和国:摘要: 国名: 澳大利亚联邦(The Commonwealth of Australia)简称澳大利亚(Australia) ...摘要: 国名 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 简称联合王国(The United Kingdom)或摘要: 国名:意大利共和国(Italy) 首都:罗马
1. France was by far the highest, followed by Italy and the United States.
2. Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini condemned what he called a " deplorable act of violence, " and offered Italy's solidarity with the embassy staff and the victim.
3. Italy
3. Huang was criticized by many for his " hysterical " performance in favour of Italy.
4. This risk was highlighted by the recent downgrade of Italy's credit rating by Standard & Poor's.
5. The Italy Pavilion is in Zone C, next to the UK and Netherlands pavilions.
6. The 170 km undersea cable linking Tunis and Italy is likely to be completed by the end of this year.
7. CAD will invite the participation of the accident investigation authorities of Macao and Italy.
8. Klinsmann will call up 21 or 22 players for the Italy match, who will remain the same for the Dortmund friendly against the USA on March 22.
9. Italy的意思
9. Hundreds of specially trained dogs from Italy's corps of canine lifeguards are deployed each summer to help swimmers in need of rescue.
10. Italy
10. What makes Italy's capital so special is its life " experience, " its most precious asset.