

Jan 基本解释

名词一月; 简(女子名,Janet的昵称); 简(男子名,John的昵称)

Jan 网络解释

1. 詹:这年他陪同阿姜辛与阿姜品两位年长的禅修僧,从柯叻省搭火车到曼谷拜访柏隆尼瓦寺(Boromniwat)住持乌巴利法师(Jao Khun Ubali,阿姜詹(Jan)),这位住持当时身患重病,他们三人就在那里陪伴这位新进的法宗派僧侣三个月.

2. 林海峰:新浪娱乐讯 林海峰()(Jan)跟商台的大嫂彭羚()结婚多年,育有两名女儿林泳和林清. 最近有报道称林海峰一直想有传人,加上见到弟弟连生两名儿子,因而十分羡慕,使得39岁的彭羚愿做高龄产妇,为林家继后香灯.

3. 简:这不仅因为有提伯根(Tibergen)兄弟这样的诺贝尔奖金获得者(简(Jan)获得经济学奖,尼可(Nico)获得生态学奖),更重要的是因为普通大学毕业生的水平. 通常,如果一个人完成了荷兰高等教育的课程,那么,说他已经掌握并能创造性地运用该学科理论并不言过其实.

4. 扬:很多荷兰人为了方便,便采用自己的父名作为姓氏,这也就是为什麼在现代荷兰人中,有这麼多起源自父名的姓氏,如Jansen(扬森,扬(Jan)之子)、Pieterse(彼特瑟,彼得(Pieter)之子)和Willemsen(威廉森)等等.

5. jan:japanese accepted names; 日本的

6. jan:january; 一月份

Jan 单语例句

1. Their buying spree was the first by bank insiders since Jan 14, filings show.

2. Between 400 and 500 people were still unaccounted for, provincial Cabinet minister Sher Jan Baluch told The Associated Press.

3. KUNMING - Four Chinese cargo ships and a Myanmar patrol boat were attacked early on Jan 4 at Wan Pung Port in Myanmar.

4. Temperatures in Hulun Buir plummeted to minus 45 centigrade after a cold front hit the city on Jan 30.

5. Jan在线翻译

5. After the central government announced it would end a tax exemption policy on Jan 1, buyers have been rushing to take advantage of the policy.

6. Former Tour de France champion Jan Ullrich announced his retirement from competitive cycling on Monday, eight months after his career was put on hold by a doping investigation.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. The detention house started letting inmates video chat with their families on Jan 1, 2011 by helping them apply for QQ accounts.

8. Critics interpreted the cartoon's dead chimp as a reference to Obama, who became the first black president of the US on Jan 20.

9. They were first reported to be circulating around the Internet on Jan 27.

10. Tobin had stepped in while CIT searched for a permanent replacement for Jeffrey Peek, who retired as chairman and CEO on Jan 15.