
Janice [ˈdʒænɪs]  [ˈdʒænɪs] 

Janice 基本解释
Janice 网络解释

1. 珍妮丝:导致球队以2 - 1客场告负. 而他在欧洲赛场的首次出场也好不到哪里去:他打入了一个乌龙球. 不过凯尔特人最终还是以总比分6-3晋级下一轮. 拉尔森已婚并有两个孩子,分别是1997年出生的儿子乔丹(Jordan)和2002年出生的女儿珍妮丝(Janice).

2. 卫兰:由于这次是陈冠希自欲照事件后首度复...卫兰已有四年没拍拖,感情生活干到爆 卫兰郊外取景玉臀喂蚊子 送新专辑鼓励妹妹(图) 卫兰提妹妹即封嘴 为新碟录音很是疲惫(图) 卫诗得卫兰无条件支持 或将飞加拿大寻爱(图) 卫兰(Janice)入行后成爱情绝缘体,

3. 珍尼丝 :后面还有三个比较矮的,看起来像是学生,名字分别是乔治(Gerge)、吉罗德(Gerald)和珍尼丝(Janice). 谢东文躲在比较隐蔽的位置,探头看了看. 对面是四个人,两个穿着骑士的盔甲,一男一女,装束差不多,上面还有金黄色的花纹,

4. 珍尼丝 希伯来,法国 少女;上帝是仁慈的:Janet 珍妮特 希伯來,法國 少女,上帝的恩賜 | Janice 珍尼絲 希伯來,法國少女;上帝是仁慈的. | Jean 琴 法國 上帝是慈悲的.

Janice 单语例句

1. Councilwoman Janice Hahn has called for an investigation into how much the city made because of Jackson fans flocking to the city.

2. Janice Chong is currently the only jewelry designer who teaches handmade jewelry making in the expat community.

3. Janice的意思

3. There will be more than 100 booths featuring China's finest foods and wine products, cooking demonstrations and a guest appearance by celebrity pastry chef Janice Wong.

4. Janice的近义词

4. All cast members were Chinese, except for British soprano Janice Watson.

5. Janice的翻译

5. Janice Breen Burns wishes she was born in an era where good fashion was once a civilised habit.