
johnny-jump-up [ˈdʒɔniˈdʒʌmpʌp]  [ˌdʒɑniˈdʒʌmpˌʌp] 

johnny-jump-up 基本解释

名词<美>紫罗兰(美洲); 野紫罗兰

johnny-jump-up 网络解释


1. 紫罗兰:Johnny-come-lately 迟到的人 | johnny-jump-up 紫罗兰 | Johns 约翰斯

2. 一种紫罗兰:johannsenite /锰钙辉石/ | johnny-jump-up /一种紫罗兰/ | johnnycake /玉米饼/

johnny-jump-up 英英释义


1. common violet of the eastern United States with large pale blue or purple flowers resembling pansies

    Synonym: bird's-foot violet pansy violet wood violet Viola pedata

2. a common and long cultivated European herb from which most common garden pansies are derived

    Synonym: wild pansy heartsease love-in-idleness pink of my John Viola tricolor