

Juran 基本解释
Juran 网络解释


1. 侏羅風:junta 瓊塔風 | juran 侏羅風 | Jurassic 侏羅紀

Juran 双语例句

1. Three of Juran's quality...

2. He could have called it, he said, the Juran principle.

3. He could have called it, he said, the Juran Principle.

4. That was where he lived with Sadie Juran, his wife of eighty-one years.

5. In Juran's initial work he identified 20 percent of the defects causing 80 percent of the problems.

6. In 1979, Joseph Juran established the Juran Institute in Connecticut. It works with organizations that want to improve quality.
    1979年,Joseph Juran 在康涅狄格州创立了 Juran 研究所,与想要改进质量的组织合作。

7. Juran Institute of Shanghai.....

8. In nineteen seventy-nine, Joseph Juran established the Juran Institute in Connecticut.

9. In 1979, Joseph Juran established the Juran Institute in Connecticut.

10. In nineteen seventy-nine, Joseph Juran established the Juran Institute in Connecticut. It works with organizations that want to improve quality.
    1979年,Joseph Juran 在美国康涅狄格州建立了 Juran 学院,该学院与想要提高质量的组织合作。


11. In 1979, Joseph Juran established the Joseph Juran Institute in Connecticut.

12. And I don`t care if they are behind me, I`m taking...—The last recorded words of Juran, a Hardhead

13. Of course, Juran and Ishikawa-hing, and so the idea is also to varying degrees.


14. They used Deming's and Juran's ideas to bring down the cost of good quality to as little as 5% of total production costs.
      他们用戴明和朱兰的想法,以降低成本,以优质的只有5 %的总生产成本。

15. Like Deming and Juran, Humphrey seems to be winning more praises overseas than at home.

16. Joseph Juran died at the age of one hundred and three.
      Joseph Juran在他103岁的时候去世了。


17. Except Sauternes and Barsac, it is very good news for all sweet wines producers, from Alsace to Juran ç on or famous Loire Valley.

18. As Juran's definition implies, it is not just the customer who benefits from a focus on high quality.


19. Three of Juran's quality


20. In this paper, the structure model of Quality Marketing of Teaching University is built based on the " Quality Management Trilogy " of Quality management expert Dr Juran.