KO [ˌkeɪ ˈəʊ]  [ˈoʊ] 

KO 基本解释

abbr.kick out 出局

KO 相关例句



1. Spectators cheered at his KO punch.

KO 网络解释

1. 科:最大伤害提升 9;100%几率出现加大伤口效果;减少目标 25%防御度;每击减少怪物防御度 100;阻止怪物治疗;攻击等级提升 50;自动流失生命 5; 旋律(Melody) 射击武器 3个符夏/沙尔(Hae/Shael)+科(Ko)+那夫(Nef) 伤害提升 50%;

2. 朝鲜语:提供了下面几种语言的分区管理器更新联机帮助:德语 (de)、英语 (en)、西班牙语 (es)、法语 (fr)、意大利语 (it)、日语 (ja)、朝鲜语 (ko)、简体中文 (zh-cn) 和繁体中文 (zh-tw).

3. 击倒:KO 或TKO - 击倒(KO)是指参赛者在数了10下后,未能站起来者;技术性击倒(TKO)是指同一回合中被击倒3次或者台上裁判的决定. 判定或技术性判定 - 判定是指台下裁判之间的决定;技术性判定是指比赛在第5回合后,因为除击倒,

4. 可口可樂公司:周二,可口可乐公司(KO)宣布,根据一项劳资分手协议,前执行副总裁玛莉-明尼克(MaryMinnick)将失去价值890万美元的长期股票薪酬和非限制性退休福利. 据可口可乐提交美国证监会(SEC)的一份文件,做为失去上述薪酬的交换,

5. ko:knock out; 击倒

6. ko:koshein; 高古幸

7. ko:knowledge organization; 知组织

8. ko:knee orthoses; 膝关节辅具

KO 词典解释


2. 打晕;击倒
    To KO someone means to hit them so hard that they become unconscious.

    e.g. He KO'd Nathan Mann in the third round.

KO 单语例句

1. Ko said he expected business volume at Starwood hotels in China to decline by 10 percent this year.

2. Official Jess Kersey was KO'd with a split chin before halftime when a blocked shot bounced hard off the whistle still in his mouth.

3. " Her family members were not covered in the insurance plan stipulated in her previous contract, " Ko said of Chong.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Ko said he believed that will be the key direction of the police investigation.

5. " Rising coal prices will eat into power generators'profits, " said BCOM's Ko.

6. Ko claims the Tsingtao deal is the first true EPC contract in China, in which a service company guarantees energy reduction and provides financing.

7. Ko said it was common and reasonable for senior executives to enjoy insurance plans that also cover their families.

8. " Ms Ko had a burden for China, " explains Kudo.

9. Ko said special emergency routes for ambulances have also been mapped to take participants to hospital if they experience any health problems during the race.

10. Ko said his company has now inked about 10 contracts in just one year, but he has visited over 100 potential customers in more than 10 Chinese provinces.