1. 康德:石1.1.2 康德(Kant)以意志自由作为归责的根据1.1.3 黑格尔(Hegel)是现代客观归责理论的鼻祖2.1.2 Honig的客观合目的性(die objektive zweckhaftigkeit)学说2.1.3 Otto的操纵可能性 (Steuerbarkeit)学说1.1.1 普芬道夫(Pufendorf)奠定了归责理论的伦理学基石归责理论发展成为l8、19世纪的伦理哲学以及德国刑法中的一个核心概
2. 康特:2003年10月,俄罗斯在吉尔吉斯首都比什凯克(Bishkek)附近的康特(Kant)设立了空军基地,名义上是为CSTO地面部队提供即时的空中支援. 事实上,康特基地是俄国自 1991年后的首个海外军事设施,离美国设於吉尔吉斯的马纳斯(Manas)空军基地不足30哩.
3. 坎特:以俄罗斯为首的集体安全条约组织(CollectiveSecurity Treaty Organization)秘书长波德尤札(Nikolai Bordyuzha)告诉吉尔吉斯国会:「俄罗斯领导阶层打算增加在坎特(Kant)俄罗斯空军基地的战机数量.
4. 莎士比亚、尼采、佛斯特、奥康纳、康德、洛克:SEAN : Well, name them. 说他们的名字... | WILL : Shakespeare, Nietzsche, Frost, O'Connor, Kant, Pope, Locke. 莎士比亚、尼采、佛斯特、奥康纳、康德、洛克. | SEAN : That's great. They're all dead. 很棒,他们都死...
1. Kant said the technology has evolved enough to produce body images that look like chalk outlines.
2. Philosophy was so popular at the time that Kant's " Critique of Pure Reason " could be found in young ladies'boudoirs.
3. Kant
3. His concept is based on Immanuel Kant's philosophy of peace and prosperity without human catastrophes.
4. Kant什么意思
4. German philosopher Kant talked about " perpetual peace " in the world more than 200 years ago.
5. Kyrgyzstan hosts both Kant and a US air base called Manas that supports operations in Afghanistan.