
Kenya ['kenjə]  ['kenjə] 

Kenya 基本解释


Kenya 网络解释


1. 肯尼亚:另外3位提名摄影师及其入围作品分别为法新社摄影师康义千叶(Yasuyoshi Chiba)的<<肯尼亚>>(Kenya),盖帝图片社摄影师约翰.摩尔(John Moore)的<<贝.布托遇刺>>(Assassination of Benazir Bhutto)和<<时代>>杂志摄影师安东尼.

2. 肯雅:注明种植咖啡豆的地方,而能够种植出优良品种咖啡豆的地区,大约集中于北回归线与南回归线之间,统称为Coffee Zone或者Coffee Belt. 如危地马拉(Guatemala)、也门(Yemen)、肯雅(Kenya)、牙买加(Jamaica)、埃塞尔比亚(Ethiopia)、印尼(Indonesia)及瓜哇(Java)等地.

3. 肯亞:Kristof) 报导了他的一桩奇遇:在东非[ 肯亚] (Kenya) 外海的一座岛上,一群老人告诉他,他们是中国人的后代. 好几个世纪以前,他们的祖先在非洲做贸易,用中国的瓷器与丝绸交换当地像长颈鹿等特产.

4. 非洲 肯尼亚:这样的地方包括:非洲肯尼亚 (Kenya)、坦桑尼亚(Tanzania) 和扎伊尔 (Zaire) 的国家公园;北美洲的黄石国家公园 (Yellowstone) 和约塞米蒂 (Yosemite) 国家公园;中美洲的蒙特维德 (Monteverde) 国家公园;南美洲的玛努 (Manu)国家公园;

5. kenya:ken; 肯尼亚

Kenya 单语例句

1. Flourishing business ensures he can afford the daily charter flights that deliver the perishable commodity from neighbouring producer Kenya.

2. He will send Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Kenya on Monday to add momentum to mediation by former UN chief Kofi Annan.

3. NAIROBI - Voting kicked off in Kenya early Thursday as registered voters elect their presidential, parliamentary and civic leaders for the next five years.

4. Apart from Niu and Hou's Coco Lounge, several other Chinese bakeries also sell mooncakes in Kenya.

5. Speaking in northern Kenya where thousands of Somalis are sheltering in dusty camps, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres said his organisation desperately needed more funds.

6. Kenya的近义词

6. Navigating by compass and astronomical readings, Zheng's fleet visited more than 30 countries and regions in Asia and Africa including Kenya.

7. The couple got engaged during a private trip to the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, a sanctuary located at the foothills of Mount Kenya.


8. Kenya has prioritized geothermal energy due to its friendliness to the environment and its cost effectiveness.

9. A major project to connect Kenya to the Southern Africa power pool through Tanzania at a cost of $ 110 million is also planned.

10. Kenya

10. The election marks the first time an incumbent has faced a credible challenge in Kenya's four decades of independence from Britain.