
Khmer [kmeə(r)]  [kmer] 



Khmer 基本解释



Khmer 网络解释


1. 高棉语:语 言 高棉语(Khmer)为官方语言投资主管机关 柬埔寨投资发展委员会(CDC)及柬埔寨投资委员会(CIB)

2. 高棉人:柬埔寨前曾称高棉,种族为高棉人(Khmer),所谓吴哥王朝即指从公元802年至1432年定都吴哥现址一带的高棉王朝. 从公元初至吴哥王朝的几百年间,其实已有操高棉语的民族及国家存在,高棉本身对此没有任何文字纪载,在中国的文献中有提及.

3. 高棉:當中國於1989年結束其資助後,高棉(khmer)政權開始以對自然資源的掠奪取代. 高棉政權因為核發開礦和伐木權利給泰國公司,...

4. 高棉文:keywords 关键词 | Khmer 高棉文 | khz, kiloherz 千周、千赫兹

Khmer 单语例句

1. Areas around Battambang and Pailin were sites of heavy fighting during the civil war, which ended with the Khmer Rouge collapse in 1999.

2. Siem Reap is the gateway to the Angkor Wat complex, which features centuries of remains of the Khmer Empire.

3. He has previously said he acted under orders from superiors in the Khmer Rouge, which rose to power as a spinoff from the conflict in Vietnam.

4. Khmer

4. The best place to muse over artefacts of the Khmer culture is the National Museum.

5. The huge pyramid temple is regarded as the supreme masterpiece of Khmer architecture.