
Kiev [ˈki:ev]  [ˈkiɛf, -ɛv, ˈkjijɪf] 

Kiev 基本解释
Kiev 网络解释


1. 基辅市:(中央社基辅2009年10月24日综合外电报导)乌克兰总理尤莉雅提摩申科(Yulia Tymoshenko)所属的政党,今天在基辅市(Kiev)万人造势大会中宣布,提名她代表党角逐明年总统大选.

2. 基辅[乌克兰]:Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔[土耳其] -6 | Kiev 基辅[乌克兰] -5 | Leeds 利兹[英国] -8

Kiev 单语例句

1. Yushchenko's allies sought to persuade thousands of activists to dismantle a tent camp sent up in central Kiev last month to back their candidate.

2. Moscow had earlier accused Kiev of siphoning off gas intended for Europe, a charge Ukraine denied.

3. Traffic remained difficult on Kiev highway, with part of the street leading to the Moscow region fully closed.

4. Yanukovych's allies had warned earlier that his backers could pour into Kiev to stage massive protests and announced a possible complaint to a European court.

5. A pressure gauge is seen at a Ukrainian gas compressor station in the village of Boyarka near Kiev Sunday.

6. Yushchenko issued his decree hours after riot police controlled by the interior minister took over a key building in Kiev following scuffles.

7. Valery Nesterov from Troika Dialog brokerage said he saw little reason why Medvedev should have different relations with Kiev.

8. Kiev

8. The Ukrainian president threw Russia's summit plans into disarray by meeting on Friday with European leaders in Kiev to discuss the gas crisis.

9. Kiev denied the accusations, saying that Russia was trying to discredit Ukraine as a reliable gas transit partner.

10. Kiev was sent to Shanhaiguan dockyard of Qinhuangdao to be refitted for tourism and other purposes two years ago.