Kong Kim

Kong Kim

Kong Kim 双语例句

1. Now with the Ningbo Port and Zhoushan Port, Daxie terminals, Kim Kwang-terminal, Taizhou and other enterprises in Hong Kong have established good business relationship and has made customer trust and praise.

Kong Kim什么意思

2. In agriculture, introduced a total investment of 60, 000, 000 yuan Zhangjiajie in Hong Kong and Vietnam's pig production and processing projects with a total investment of 12, 000, 000 yuan in Guangxi oak, Jiang Yun-Rosin Rosin's line item; in the flow of commerce in the area, the introduction of a supermarket Fung Choi, Maney Supermarket, High Tech Computer City furniture and other large-scale supermarkets, 6; in the development of urban construction, the completion of the He Long Sports Center, Division race, Kim Garden, Kangxi Trade City, pedestrian film, the natural gas pipeline network, such as a large number of investment projects Building.

3. You can purchase it exclusively at Kim Robinson Salon (106 Chater House, 8 Connaught Road) and IFC Lane Crawford today, and the rest of Lane Crawford stores on the 13th and onwards. Kim Robinson is donating the net proceeds of the book in the benefit of The Hong Kong Cancer Fund.
    一脸倦容的 Kim Robinson,正为其今日(12日)举行的新书发布会而忙碌,他说﹕「我亲眼见过妈咪被癌症折磨,身心所受的痛苦﹔又见到癌症夺去我好朋友梅艳芳的生命,所以我好了解癌症病人患病时的无助与惊恐。

4. The key was to save face on the diplomatic arrangements, says Chung Kim-wah, assistant professor of social science at Hong Kong's Polytechnic University.

5. Kim Suk, a Samsung Securities board director and senior executive vice-president for capital markets and investment banking in Seoul, will have responsibility for the Hong Kong subsidiary.