

Landa 基本解释
Landa 网络解释

1. 兰达:奴隶,ppentacob,处在社会最低层.兰达(Landa)主教认为,奴隶制是玛雅后古典时期才产生的一种现象.但其他许多学者根据石碑、壁画等资料,认为不能排除从古典时期就有奴隶的解释.至少,战俘充作人祭以外经常沦为奴隶.从有直接资料的新王国时期来看,

2. 兰达牌手表:land-barometer 陆用气压表 | landa 兰达牌手表 | landau 兰多牌汽车

3. 兰大:390.KENT 肯他 | 391.LANDA 兰大 | 392.LEOBE 刘备

4. 国家:LANA 毛 | LANDA 国家 | LARVA 幼虫

Landa 单语例句

1. Landa said he has no doubt that someone will surface to claim the Hornet.

2. Landa wouldn't identify the owner, but said he came by it legally.

3. Professor Landa wanted to find out what differences in development might be seen earlier.

4. The FBI came out to visit Landa after he put the jet up for bidding.