
Lao [laʊ]  [laʊ] 


Lao 基本解释
Lao 网络解释

1. 老挝语:老挝语(Lao)也称为寮语,是老挝的官方语言. 属壮侗语系侗台语族的台语支. 使用人口约520万. 除分布于老挝外,也分布于泰国东北部和北部佬族居住地区.

2. 老挝:长国(UAE)老挝(LAO)乌兹别克斯坦(UZB)黎巴嫩(LIB)越南(VIE)澳门(MAC)也门(YEM)阿尔巴尼亚(ALB)以色列(ISR)安道尔(AND)意大利(ITA)亚美尼亚(ARM)拉脱维亚(LAT)奥地利(AUT)列支敦士登(LIE)阿塞拜疆(AZE) 立陶宛(LIT)比利时(BEL)卢森堡(LUX)波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(BIH) 前南斯拉夫马其顿(MKD)白俄罗斯(BLR)马尔他(MLT)保加利亚(

3. lao:left anterior oblique; 左前斜位

4. lao:laos; 寮国

Lao 单语例句

1. Eileen Lao speaks the language with ease and has a hard time pinpointing any difficulties adapting to life in her new home.

2. Lao spent his childhood in Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang Province.

3. " Confucius and Lao Tzu are both treasures of Chinese culture, " he said.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. A disciple of Confucianism and a disciple of Lao Tze's Taoist teachings were standing at a pond observing the fish below.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. He said the Lao National Assembly will make continuous efforts to enhance bilateral political mutual trust and expand exchanges at various levels.

6. The play tells the story of the desperate contractor Lao Mu who goes around demanding payments from migrant workers.

7. Xie Lao Song became famous for its " fragrant and spicy crab ".

8. Her snacks took the market by storm, and the local media were enamoured of the woman who called herself lao da.

9. His many Chinese friends affectionately call him " Lao Li " or " Old Li ".

10. Lao San assumes the role of a dedicated vigilante as a former Navy submariner whose brain is damaged after he is involved in an accident.