

Leone 基本解释


[人名] 莱昂内; [地名] [美属萨摩亚] 莱昂

Leone 网络解释


1. 雄狮:Legend 传奇(里程) | Leone 雄狮 | Leopard 豹

2. 利昂(塞拉利昂):kyat 元(缅甸) | leone 利昂(塞拉利昂) | leu 列伊(罗马尼亚)

3. 利昂:Honduras洪都拉斯 | leone利昂 | Sierra Leone塞拉利昂

4. 狮子:Cancro 巨蟹 | Leone 狮子 | Vergine 处女

Leone 单语例句

1. Although child labour is illegal in Sierra Leone, the legislation is poorly enforced and the police can sometimes be bribed.

2. Bush has made any deployment of US troops conditional on the departure of Taylor, a former warlord indicted for war crimes in Sierra Leone.

3. Initial reports had put the number of dead at 22, but Sierra Leone officials said the Russian pilot of the helicopter had survived.

4. " Maybe Leone wasn't that crazy after all, " I offer.

5. At the core of the continuing British effort will be the retraining of the demoralised Sierra Leone army.

6. Leone什么意思

6. Leone is one of the largest villages in the territory and was once the main harbor for the main island of Tutuila.

7. It demands that all countries prevent armed groups from further destabilizing Liberia and neighboring Guinea and Sierra Leone.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. His trial is being held in The Hague for fear of renewed violence if hearings were conducted in Sierra Leone.

9. I see the large red homestead that sheltered Claudia Cardinale and was so central to Leone's Once Upon a Time in the West.

10. Here the director shows just how closely he studied the Leone movies by replicating a lot of the Italian director's idiosyncratic techniques.