
Malay [mə'leɪ]  [mə'leɪ] 


Malay 基本解释


名词马来语; 马来人

形容词马来人的; 马来语的; 马来西亚的

Malay 网络解释


1. 马来语:英语(English)、华语(Chinese)、马来语(Malay)、泰米尔语(Tamil)为官方语言,马来语为国语,英语为行政用语. 82. 95%,俄语(Russian)是俄罗斯联邦全境内的官方语言. 主要少数民族都有自己的语言和文字. 南非是世界上唯一同时存在三个首都的国家.

2. 马来文:它耸立在新加坡河口之上,新加坡在马来文(Malay)中意为狮子城. 1964年新加坡雕塑家(sculpturer)林浪新设计了一座狮头鱼尾浑然一体的雕塑作为新加坡的标志(symbol),于1972年完工. 塑像高8米,用乳白色大理石(marble)雕成,

3. 马来语翻译:斯洛伐克语翻译 (Slovak) 保加利亚语翻译 (Bulgarian) 老挝语翻译 (Lao) 泰语翻译 (Thai) 波兰语翻译 (Polish) 罗马 尼亚语翻译 (Romanian) 土耳其语翻译 (Turkish) 波斯语翻译 (Farsi) 马来语翻译 (Malay) 西班牙语翻译 (

4. 马来人:该地有丰富史迹和自然美景, 与姆禄山Mt.Mulu (世界第八大自然奇观),尼亚石洞Niah Cave及蓝卑尔国家公园 Lambir National Park毗邻,并和汶莱苏丹国Brunei Sultanate为界.美里人口主要是由华人(大约35%),马来人(Malay),达雅族(Daya

Malay 词典解释

1. Malay

1. 马来西亚的;马来人的;马来语的;马来文化的
    Malay means belonging or relating to the people, language, or culture of the largest racial group in Malaysia.

    e.g. ...the Malay community.

2. 马来人
    A Malay is a member of the largest racial group in Malaysia.

    e.g. ...the three main racial groups in Malaysia — the Malays, the Indians and the Chinese.

3. 马来语
    Malay is a language that is spoken in Malaysia and in parts of Indonesia.

Malay 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Malaysia's minority ethnic Indians and Chinese have been chafing at an affirmative action program for the Malay majority.

2. Passengers enjoy a Malay dance performance in the train's piano bar.

3. Two of the paws were from Malay bears and the other 62 from black bears, both of which are protected species in China.


4. An often cited example of the harmonious relationship between different ethnic groups is the fact that many Malay people send their children to Chinese schools.

5. Authorities recently said Malaysia's divorce rate has doubled from 2002 to 2009 with higher rates among Malay Muslims.

6. About a quarter of Malaysia's 26 million people are ethnic Chinese, while Malay Muslims form about 60 percent of the population.

7. Malay的意思

7. Malay is the official language but English is widely spoken, and a significant minority speaks Chinese.

8. Malacca has tried to bring out the traditional taste of Malay foods, while catering to local taste buds.

9. It is an interesting fusion of Chinese and Malay dishes developed by the Straits Chinese more than 400 years ago.

10. Malay

10. The reports said that five missiles were fired hitting a house in Malay Khan Serai area.