Mangshan Mountain

Mangshan Mountain

Mangshan Mountain 双语例句

Mangshan Mountain的翻译

1. The upper reservoir of Shisanling pumped storage station is located on the mountain top of Mangshan, where the geological condition is quite complex.

2. The environment program of Jinchi Conference Center in Mangshan Mountain creates various featured scenic areas by using small landscapes, architectural sketches and ornamental plants in the doorways, the centralized green land and villa areas.

3. Mangshan on the mountain, we can see the next big city, the majestic palaces, broad landscaped park, rich and beautiful castles, That is to say Mangshan Mountain overlooking

4. Wei Zhong songshan, an inquiry into the Shaolin martial arts, the World Cultural Heritage Longmen grottoes, Louyang nine North korea, ended in a clear demarcation line between the foot of Mangshan Mountain long history and magnificent mother River-long yellow river.


5. Loess Strata and Analysis of Environment of Quaternary Period in Mangshan Mountain


6. Newly Unearthed three stone carved cultural relics in Longmen Mountain and Mangshan Mountain in the past few years, reflect the prosperity of Buddhism belief in Luoyang during Tang and Song Dyansties.

7. Continuation of this spur further west longitude, Down Shinjo, filter mazhuang, Liang Tai Ling rocks a mountain valley, the West over qinglong he links to a white border Qian'an Hill and Mangshan Hill.

Mangshan Mountain 单语例句

1. A group of 100 couples planted love trees at the foot of Mangshan mountain in Henan province over the weekend.