

Mantou 网络解释

1. 馒头:金子一竹剑(zhujian)四十两银子一两金二十两银子零鹿皮靴(lupixue)二十两金子六十两金子二马靴(maxue)五两金子十五两金子一羊肉泡馍(yrpaomo)七两银子--------零清蒸野羊(qzyy)三十两银子--------零馒头(mantou)一两银子-----

2. 超级大馒头 登录名:御姐欠扁型 登录名:yjqbx | 超级大馒头 登录名:mantou | 艹莓菓凍丶 登录名:guodong

Mantou 单语例句

1. That explains why our staple food mantou was translated into " steamed bread " and jiaozhi and baozi into " dumplings ".

2. Chinese restaurants outside China serve yuanxiao, mantou and zongzi by the same names we call them.

3. Although Yuyuan Mall has not yet opened any Nanxiang mantou franchises in China, it does have 14 branches in other Asian countries.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. The regulatory standards for yuanxiao, mantou and zongzi are supposed to allow consumers to understand the nature of the food.


5. Our yuanxiao, mantou and zongzi have not been caught up in the same controversy as Italy's pizza.