
Mars [mɑ:z]  [mɑ:rz] 









Mars 基本解释


名词<天>火星; <罗神>战神

Mars 网络解释


1. 三月:耶稣前46年,当时的罗马皇帝Gajus Julius Caesar下令更动年历的方式,将一年的开始由三月(Mars)一日改为一月(Janus)一日庆祝. 罗马帝国在一年的开始,以极度奢华的方式庆祝「双面神Janus」,初期教会时代,各地方的教会为了避免教友们被这种迷信庆典迷惑,

2. mars:molecular adsorption at the recirculation system; 分子吸附再循环系统

3. mars:molecular adsorbents recirculating system; 分子吸附循环系统

4. mars:molecular adsorbents recycling system; mars人工肝

5. mars:multiple active results sets; 多活动结果集

Mars 单语例句

1. Mars fell in love with the erhu by chance when he visited Shanghai in 1992.

2. Mars Express hit orbit on Christmas Day and began transmitting its first data from the planet this month.

3. The European Space Agency has never successfully landed a spacecraft on Mars, though it has an orbiter circling the planet.

4. Mars的反义词

4. Until now, evidence of ice in Mars'north pole region has been largely circumstantial.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. A netizen called " Mars Clover " even shouted out " the world is crazy that Beijing has a'Super Girl'monument ".

6. Mars

6. Photographs taken by the Mars Global Surveyor over the last seven years showed changes caused by rivulets running down crater walls.

7. Mars的意思

7. Curiosity will probe these sediments for evidence that past environments on Mars could once have favored microbial life.

8. It will gather data on Mars'space environment and the relationship between solar wind and the planet's magnetic field.

9. " We hope to conduct a Mars probe and other deep space exploration through international cooperation, " Sun said.

10. On the question whether they thought there had been life on Mars, 75 percent replied in the affirmative.