
Mauritania [ˌmɒrɪ'teɪnɪə]  [ˌmɔ:rɪ'teɪnɪr] 

Mauritania 基本解释


Mauritania 网络解释


1. 毛利塔尼亚:中国-毛利塔尼亚(Mauritania)国际航空小包裹资费查询毛利塔尼亚(Mauritania)国际航空小包裹邮寄和挂号服务 三态 会在2-5天将国际邮寄小包裹交由毛利塔尼亚(Mauritania) 邮局(Mauritania Postal Service)投递和其海关清关处处理,邮寄时间通常总共为7-14个工作日,由 毛利塔尼亚(Mauritania) 邮局投递到客户,

2. 茅利塔尼亞:(法新社茅利塔尼亚诺克少8日电) 茅利塔尼亚(Mauritania)警方和法国大使馆人员说,一名自杀炸弹客今天在茅国首都诺克少(Nouakchott)法国大使馆附近引爆一枚炸弹,但只有自杀炸弹客丧生.

3. 毛里坦尼亚:新浪体育讯 据法国政府发言人瓦奎兹(Laurent Wauquiez)周四称:法国政府告诫达喀尔拉力赛组委会,反对赛事在毛里坦尼亚(Mauritania)境内举行,理由是上个月四名法国游客在毛里坦尼亚境内被杀.

Mauritania 单语例句

1. The junta took over Mauritania in a military coup as a protest against the government's poor management over spiralling oil and food prices.

2. Nine of the rally's stages were to pass through Mauritania en route to Dakar, where the rally was scheduled to finish on January 20.

3. Two of the stages of the race in Mauritania had to be changed because of fears of an attack from an Algerian terrorist group.

4. Mauritania has been a transit point for illegal immigrants coming from Africa and Asia before going on to Europe.

5. France warned the Dakar organisers on Thursday against holding stages in Mauritania because it said " the terrorist risk " cannot be ruled out.

6. The Spanish authorities expressed appreciation of Mauritania's efforts which led to a reduction in the number of illegal immigrants to the Iberian Peninsula.

7. He says Mauritania remains in the African Union but cannot participate in meetings or votes until it restores constitutional order.

8. The World Food Program says locusts invaded all of Mauritania's agricultural lands.

9. Mauritania

9. The rally was already in shock following the death of motorbike participant Andy Caldecott of Australia on Monday as the race passed through Mauritania.

10. The race is being held in Argentina and Chile because of security fears in Mauritania which caused the cancellation of last year's race.