
Mencius [menʃɪəs]  [menʃɪrs] 

Mencius 基本解释
Mencius 网络解释


1. <<孟子>> (儒家经典 战国孟子及其弟子):<<马可.波罗行记>> (意大利马可.波罗) Le Devisement du monde/Le Livre des mervei... | <<孟子>> (儒家经典 战国孟子及其弟子) Mencius | <<梦溪笔谈>> (北宋 沈括) Notes de conversations dans le Jardin du ruis...

2. 孟子 儒家:Chuang-Tzu 庄子 道家 | Mencius 孟子 儒家 | Mo Tzu 墨子 墨家

3. 孟子 字串:Sun Tzu 孙子 | Mencius 孟子 字串1 | Manning 人员匹配

Mencius 单语例句

1. Mencius的近义词

1. As the ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius put it, a nation can " thrive in calamity but perish in ease and pleasure ".

2. The story is about the sophisticated contemporary rural life in a village inhabited by descendents of Confucius and Mencius.

3. It would be a shame for the city to make those parents move away like Mencius'mother.

4. Mencius的反义词

4. She was strict with moral education, asking Mencius never to tell a lie.

5. Mencius'mother moved house thrice before she found the " right " place for her child's healthy development.

6. Mencius

6. If Mencius'mother were alive today, she would immediately choose to move out of this area.

7. Mencius

7. The ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius moved several times as child, as his mother sought to provide her son with the very best environment for learning.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Obama once quoted a famous ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius to underscore the importance of resolving disagreements between the two nations through talks.

9. Mencius在线翻译

9. After some research, he discovered the term originated in the writing of the revered Chinese philosopher Mencius.

10. Mencius的解释

10. The school was set up last year and named after the mother of ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius.