

Michigan 基本解释


Michigan 网络解释


1. 密执安:女儿不屑地 说,这太小儿科 了,不就是苏必利尔 湖(Superior),密执安(Michigan) 湖,休伦湖(Huron),伊利湖(Erie),还有安大略湖(Ontario) 吗?不 错,那怎么才能记住这五个湖的名子 呢?儿子想了想 说,有 了,不就 是HOMES, 吗?原 来,

2. 密歇根州:以及伊利诺斯州(Illinois), 印第安纳州(Indiana), 密歇根州(Michigan)和威斯康星州(Wisconsin)的大部分地区.管理范围: 阿肯色州(Arkansas)及以下六州的部分地区- 密苏里州(Missouri),

3. 密西根州:在上个月伊利诺州(Illinois)通过一项 30% 的税收抵免优惠,来吸引电影生产公司前来发展,今年稍早时纽约也将税收抵免额度调高到 35%,密西根州 (Michigan)目前则为40%.

Michigan 单语例句

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1. Kerry campaigned from New Hampshire to Wisconsin during the day by way of Pennsylvania and Michigan.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. University of Michigan researchers just uncovered that eating something tasty can spark brain cells that sense actual pleasure to start firing rapidly.

3. Romney has also won in the caucus states of Nevada and Wyoming, and finished first in Michigan's primary.

4. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati is expected to hear arguments this week on the use of provisional ballots in Michigan.

5. When China Daily reached Bosch representatives at its Michigan office, the company couldn't confirm or comment on the deal.

6. The Michigan report was consistent with a drop in a consumer sentiment survey issued on February 10 by Investor's Business Daily.

7. Michigan的反义词

7. Michigan and Florida were stripped of their convention delegates for moving up their primaries before February 5 in defiance of party rules.

8. The Michigan Democrat says the Treasury secretary likely would become the'car czar'and oversee restructuring the automakers.

9. He then points to caucuses in Michigan next Saturday to score a knockout against the floundering Dean campaign.

10. Michigan的反义词

10. At the University of Michigan, hundreds marched in support of the school's affirmative action policy.