
Muslim [ˈmʊzlɪm]  [ˈmʌzləm, ˈmʊz-, ˈmʌs-, ˈmʊs-]


Muslim 基本解释




Muslim 网络解释


1. 回教:◎走访加德满都谷地联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)保护的历史古城~宗教 印度教(Hirdu)占90% 佛教(Buddhist)占5% 回教(Muslim)占3% 其他(Other)占2%

2. 回教徒:[宗教]约70%的居民是基督徒(Christrian),其余30%的人大多为佛教徒(Buddist)、回教徒(Muslim)和犹太教徒(Jewish). 澳洲位於印度洋和太平洋之间,是世界上第六大国,本身就是一块大陆岛屿. 面积约为768万平方公里,

3. 社交團體:職業: mahasiswa | 社交團體: Muslim | 興趣: Mnyelesaikan kuliah,membhgakn ortu,and jd org yg sukses

Muslim 词典解释

1. Muslim的近义词

1. 穆斯林;伊斯兰教信徒
    A Muslim is someone who believes in Islam and lives according to its rules.

2. 穆斯林的;伊斯兰教的
    Muslim means relating to Islam or Muslims.

    e.g. ...Iran and other Muslim countries.

Muslim 单语例句

1. Muslim的解释

1. But by tradition in this Muslim country, women are hidden away and men will rarely discuss their wives and daughters with strangers.

2. Muslim什么意思

2. A local correspondent said people were already preparing the burials of their dead by sunset, according to Muslim tradition.

3. Thousands of people took to France's streets to call for the newsmen's release on Monday, many of them Muslim women in headscarves.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. The campaign also battled unfounded rumors that Obama was secretly a Muslim.

5. The two - " Defense of the Muslim Lands " and " Join the Caravan " - can no longer be sold or imported.

6. Most Brussels civil servants support welcoming Turkey, a Muslim ally and future thruway for gas coming from the Black and Caspian seas.

7. There's also Muslim Girl Scout Razanne, complete with a cassette recording of the Muslim Scout's oath.

8. Anger also flared in this Russian Orthodox part of the Caucasus mountains, ethnically and religiously distinct from the nearby Muslim regions of Chechnya and Ingushetia.

9. The violence stemming from the predominantly Muslim Caucasus region originates from two separatist wars in Chechnya in the past 15 years.

10. Muslim

10. The head of the mainly Muslim North Caucasus province of Ingushetia on Thursday also said the bomber stemmed from the region.