
Nazi [ˈnɑ:tsi]  [ˈnɑtsi, ˈnæt-] 


Nazi 基本解释


名词纳粹主义; (德国的)纳粹党员; 纳粹主义信徒

形容词纳粹党的; 纳粹主义的

Nazi 网络解释

1. 纳粹党:第二次世界大战期间,德国纳粹党(Nazi)屠杀犹太人,据一项调查显示,目前以色列境内尚有24万幸存者...

2. 纳粹党人:Nawaz Sharif 前巴基斯坦总理 | Nazi 纳粹党人 | Nepal 尼泊尔

3. 德国国社党党员(纳粹分子):National Party(南非)国民党 | Nazi德国国社党党员(纳粹分子) | NLD: National League for Democracy(缅甸)全国民主联盟

Nazi 词典解释

1. 纳粹分子;法西斯分子
    The Nazis were members of the right-wing political party, led by Adolf Hitler, which held power in Germany from 1933 to 1945.

2. 纳粹党的;纳粹(主义)的
    You use Nazi to say that something relates to the Nazis.

    e.g. ...the rise of the Nazi Party.
    e.g. ...the Nazi occupation of the Channel Islands.

Nazi 单语例句

1. They didn't build the Nazi cenotaph for the Primer Minister to visit.

2. They show the Nazi dictator battled tax collectors for eight years before becoming chancellor in 1933.

3. Observers agree with Gates'remarks on following local rules, noting the US bans child pornography while France bans Internet access to Nazi imagery.

4. Certainly there was no Cinderella story in " The Reader, " the tale of an unrepentant Nazi guard played by Kate Winslet.

5. Nazi

5. But some German media nowadays still cling to the Cold War mentality and ridiculously confuse Communist countries with Nazi Germany.

6. Bush to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler while commemorating a failed 1992 coup he led as a lieutenant colonel.

7. Only then could I better understand the complete depravity of the Nazi death machine.

8. The presence of the Nazi dictator's likeness in the new museum led to criticism in German media before the branch's opening in July.

9. The Netherlands were occupied by Nazi Germany from 1940 until 1945 and the Queen and government in exile had escaped to London.

10. Chirac's acknowledgment of the French state's guilt in the Nazi extermination of Jews in World War II was historic.