

Ni 基本解释


abbr.nickel 镍

Ni 网络解释


1. 不是:也不是,(ni)你需要考虑相机的关系而不是位置. 剧本里有自己的专用相机术语,(duo)多多使用这些术语,(neng)能让你的剧本很专业,(zhi)至少看上去很专业. 1.Angle on 角度对准:比如BILL走出便利店,(xiang)相机对准BILL.

2. ni:nosocomial pulmonary infection; 医院感染

3. ni:near-ir; 近红外线

4. ni:near-infrared; 近红外光谱

5. ni:northern ireland; 北爱尔兰

Ni 单语例句

1. Ni said that in a number of cases busted in southwestern China, dealers were found to have been using pregnant women to carry drugs.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. " Water is a very important factor in determining the quality of caviar, " said Ni.

3. Ni的近义词

3. Ni said 50 percent of industries are concentrated in the world's 40 largest metropolitan areas, where 70 percent of all technological innovation also takes place.

4. Ni sees a lot of potential in the consumption goods import business as Chinese preferences become more international.

5. " It takes some 400 years for traditional plastic bags to degrade, " Ni said.

6. Ni added that the company installed a digital network in Guangzhou's buses earlier this year.

7. Advice given by Richard Ni, associate director of consumer sales and marketing and HR division at Robert Walters China.

8. If Tian successfully assumes the position, he will become the second diver after Xiong Ni to go into provincial sports administration.

9. NI Water said it was diverting reservoir supplies to different areas to try and provide all regions with a limited supply.

10. Ni是什么意思

10. " Such a promise has nothing to do with justice fairness, " Ni was reported as saying.