
or [ɔ:(r)]  [ɔr] 

or 基本解释

连词还是; 或,或者; 不然,否则; 左右



or 反义词


or 相关词组

1. or else : 否则, 要不然;

2. or so : 大约;

or 情景对话



B:It’s (faster/ slower/ more expensive) than taking the bus or the subway.

A:Oh, o.k.


A:Excuse me; could you lend me some of your records?

B:Until when?

A:Until Monday or Tuesday of next week.

B:No problem.


A:May I help you find something, or are you just looking?

B:I’m just looking.

A:Then. Take your time, please.

B:Thank you.

or 网络解释


1. or.:opponents' runs; 对方得分数

2. or:option room; 手术室

3. or:optional research; 运筹学

4. or:odds-ratio; 比值比

5. or:odds ratios; or值

6. Boolean Search:Boolean operator || 布尔算子, 逻辑算子 | Boolean Search || 逻辑搜索, 一种用逻辑符号如AND,OR,NOT提取信息的方法 | Boolean secondary || 布尔二次式

or 词典解释

1. (连接两个或两个以上选择的可能性)或,或者,还是
    You use or to link two or more alternatives.

    e.g. 'Tea or coffee?' John asked...
    e.g. Was she blonde or brunette?...

2. (与 either 或 whether 连用,给出另一个选择项)或,还是,就是
    You use or to give another alternative, when the first alternative is introduced by 'either' or 'whether'.

    e.g. Items like bread, milk and meat were either unavailable or could be obtained only on the black market...
    e.g. Either you can talk to him, or I will...

You do not use or after neither. You use nor instead. He speaks neither English nor German.
neither 之后不用 or 而用 nor:He speaks neither English nor German(他既不会说英语也不会说德语)。

3. (用于两个数字之间表示概数)或,大约
    You use or between two numbers to indicate that you are giving an approximate amount.

    e.g. Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of tea to just three or four cups a day...
    e.g. When I was nine or ten someone explained to me that when you are grown up you have to work...

4. (用于对刚说过的话进行更正或补充)或者说
    You use or to introduce a comment which corrects or modifies what you have just said.

    e.g. The man was a fool, he thought, or at least incompetent...
    e.g. There was nothing more he wanted, or so he thought...

5. (用于警告)否则,要不然
    If you say that someone should do something or something unpleasant will happen, you are warning them that if they do not do it, the unpleasant thing will happen.

    e.g. She had to have the operation, or she would die.

6. (用于证明刚刚所作陈述的真实性)否则,要不然
    You use or to introduce something which is evidence for the truth of a statement you have just made.

    e.g. He must have thought Jane was worth it or he wouldn't have wasted time on her, I suppose.

7. (表示某事物对即将发生的事没有影响)不管是不是…
    You use or no or or not to emphasize that a particular thing makes no difference to what is going to happen.

    e.g. Chairman or no, if I want to stop the project, I can...
    e.g. The first difficulty is that, old-fashioned or not, it is very good.

8. (用于重复的同一名词之间,表示某事物是否真实对情形没有影响)不管是否有…,无论有没有…
    You use or no between two occurrences of the same noun in order to say that whether something is true or not makes no difference to a situation.

    e.g. The next day, rain or no rain, it was business as usual...
    e.g. Oil or no oil, Serbia has troubles.

9. or else -> see else
    or other -> see other
    or so -> see so
    or something -> see something

or 单语例句

1. The study also factors in a survey among business leaders, assessing for example the government's efficiency or the flexibility of the labor market.

2. In the new market reality, their success or failure is entirely a business matter now.

3. Spokesman Fan Yifei claimed the bank's major business indicators had been close to the medium or higher levels of the world's top 100 banks.

4. Even those who speak Korean are language majors with little business or technological background.

5. Article 8 of the 1993 law prohibits business operators from offering money or goods in selling or purchasing commodities.

6. But the joint venture will not be allowed to conduct business with domestic enterprises or individuals after receiving its licence.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. " They often act under the guise of'direct sales'or'chain stores', " he said.

8. or的解释

8. The measures specify punishments for officials personally engaged in business operations and for the spouses or offspring of officials who run businesses.

9. Or imagine a bank or other business organization having dozens of customers with the same name.

10. From a business perspective, anything that makes an organization more effective or more efficient has value.

or 英英释义



1. a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations

    e.g. great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic

    Synonym: operating room operating theater operating theatre surgery

2. a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific

    Synonym: Oregon Beaver State