
Oxford ['ɒksfəd]  ['ɑ:ksfərd] 

Oxford 基本解释



Oxford 网络解释


1. 牛津大学:英国最闻名于世的两所[[大学]]是[[剑桥大学]](Cambridge)和 [[牛津大学]](Oxford),此外,位于英格兰东北方向的[[杜伦大学]] (Durham)也是历史悠久的重要学府,

2. 牛津布:牛津布(oxford)是一种仿棉织物,质地柔软光滑且耐磨,通常用作帐底所以通常帐底标示为XXXD nylon oxford. PE 指聚乙烯或乙纶,成本较低,防水,无需压胶,所以被很多低价帐篷用做帐底,外观类似小方格的麻袋布,缺点是频繁折叠后容易开缝导致渗水,

3. 牛津城:五六月是去牛津最好的季节 , 走之前天气预报一直预测会有雨. 奇怪的是在牛津的那几日竟然艳阳高照. 牛津城(OXFORD)其实就是大学城,整个城市充满了学院气息. 游牛津城,Carfax是一个很好的起点. 这里是四条主要街道的交汇处(Corn ......

Oxford 单语例句

1. Cambridge topped the table with 71 percent of its academics submitting research rated as " world leading " or " internationally excellent " compared with 70 percent for Oxford.

2. In the first Research Assessment Exercise published in seven years, the University of Cambridge nudged ahead of Oxford with the highest proportion of outstanding research.

3. She said that younger students were high achievers, and tended to apply to Russell Group colleges such as Oxford and Cambridge.

4. The visit left him a profound impression of two elite universities Cambridge and Oxford, he said.

5. The meeting with 35 girls from the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School will take place at the Christ Church campus at the University of Oxford.

6. Oxford什么意思

6. Groups of scholars started gathering in Oxford to study and coalescing into colleges which remain a hallmark of Oxford's distinctiveness globally.

7. Sunday evening saw an outbreak of copycat rioting in east and north London and some violence in the central shopping district of Oxford Street.

8. The couple are now said to be planning a summer wedding and searching for a home in Oxford and cottage in Wales.

9. Oxford的近义词

9. File photo shows a London department store advertising its Christmas sales on Oxford Street.

10. The girl said she would one day fulfill her mother's dream and graduate from Oxford University in England.