abbr.physical education 体育(课); Peru 秘鲁; Product Engineering 产品工程; 私募股权基金(Private Equity Fund)简称
1. 聚乙烯:天津市辉达包装材料有限公司主营产品有三层共挤聚烯烃(POF-C3)环保热收缩膜,聚氯乙烯(PVC)热收膜,聚乙 烯(PE)热收缩膜,聚乙烯(LLDPE)拉伸缠绕膜及其相关配套包装设备,我公司可根据客户实际需求订做加工各...
2. 秘鲁:塔拉坡托 (TPP)出发的特价机票 - 快速、全面查询秘鲁 (PE)塔拉坡托 (TPP)出发的航班有哪些航班从塔拉坡托 (TPP)机场出发?由塔拉坡托 (TPP)出发的廉价航班 - 快速、全面查询 - © Skyscanner Ltd 2002–2009
3. 体育:理会到它是对美国社会上的竞技(sports)组织结构问题的社会学剖析,从中可以看出他讲的是竞技(spors),使我们能正确地认诅美国的竞技和竞技社会问题以及能从新的角度理解竞技(sports)与体育(PE)之间的差别.
4. 处理部件:2.算术逻辑部件(Alu)或处理部件(pe)的个数d3.每个算术部件包含基本逻辑线路(Elc)的套数w§1.4.1软件移植性(PORTBILITY)对系统结构的要求由简化逻辑节省器件转化为选择现有器件,缩小设计周期节省成本.
5. pe:privately_owned enterprise; 私营企业
6. pe:pulmonory embolism; 肺栓塞
7. pe:physics education; 体育
8. pe:psychological effect; 体育教学
1. 体育(课)
In schools, PE is a lesson in which pupils do physical exercises or sport. PE is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'physical education'.
1. The supports from TEDA's business registration and taxation authorities allowed the rapid growth of PE funds.
2. " We just punch the card for PE classes and don't do any more exercise, " Miao said.
3. PE
3. Some other schools have cut the PE classes off the curricular for the graduating senior high class.
4. PE什么意思
4. The only clue that IDG Capital is a PE firm comes from the photos of the successful investments that dot the walls.
5. Consumer goods companies backed by PE investors showed sales growth of 30 percent against 18 percent for listed peers.
6. The survey also shows that PE investors are showing keen interest in China's consumer goods and retail industry.
7. It drew the attention of the whole Chinese venture capital and PE market with its outstanding investment performance over the course of the year.
8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全
8. If there is no PE lesson scheduled that day, an hour of afternoon exercise should be arranged.
9. PE的翻译
9. The Economic Information Daily said earlier that the settlement amount for PE companies in Shanghai could be as much as $ 3 billion.
10. The mainland private equity market is heralding a new stage, as the mainland regulator allows overseas yuan capital to come in to boost PE investments.