
Peru [pə'rʊ]  [pə'rʊ] 

Peru 基本解释

名词秘鲁; 秘鲁褐

Peru 网络解释


1. 秘鲁:*在現今所泛指的南美音樂,應以民族(Ethnic)風格為重,以秘魯(Peru)及保利維亞(Bolivia)等國家為首,及以排管(panpipes)為主樂器的樂曲. 而拉丁音樂的種類,則各有各精采. 如墨西哥的Chicano音樂(代表作有'Besame Mucho'

2. 美洲 秘鲁:派拉姆西(Piramesse) 古城地基遗址今坎提尔(Qantir),古埃及法老拉姆西斯(Ramses) 的首都土库美(Tucume)金字塔群位于南美洲秘鲁(Peru) 兰巴耶克(Lambayeque)汉梯沙(Hattusha) 赫梯古城遗址西台人(Hittite) 依山建立的一座城堡

3. 秘鲁共和国:or) 秘鲁共和国(Peru) 玻利维亚共和国(Bolivia) 南美南部国家: 智利共和国(Chile) 巴拉圭共和国(Paraguay) 阿根廷共和国(Argentina/Argentine) 乌拉圭东岸共和国(Uruagay) 此外南美北部还有一块法国的海外领地:法属圭亚那(Guyane franç

4. 南美洲 秘鲁:Re:南美洲--秘鲁(Peru)Re:南美洲--秘鲁(Peru)Re:南美洲--秘鲁(Peru)Re:南美洲--秘鲁(Peru)Re:南美洲--秘鲁(Peru)[军 事] 秘鲁军队是在19世纪初反对西班牙殖民统治和争取民族独立斗争中诞生和发展起来的.

Peru 单语例句

1. The deal is the third this year involving Chinese miners buying assets in Peru.

2. The remaining live birds will be sent back to Peru by plane, in good conditions.

3. The chairmanship rotates among its members with Peru holding the chair this year.

4. The chairmanship rotates among members, with Peru holding the chair this year.

5. Peru的解释

5. Fujimori still has a loyal if limited following in Peru, where he is credited with reining in economic chaos and leftist insurgencies.

6. He noted that while the Chilean Supreme Court authorized his extradition, it significantly reduced the charges for which he can be tried in Peru.

7. Peru has taken Yale University to court over Incan artifacts taken a century ago from the mountain citadel of Machu Picchu.

8. Garcia said Peru is ready to work close with China to promote their strategic partnership.

9. Peru的意思

9. Dutch customs officers found 100 dead beetles stuffed with cocaine while examining a parcel from Peru in proof that smugglers will hide drugs in anything.

10. Peru

10. The English squad returns to 2006 World Cup qualifying in September while Colombia's bid to reach Germany next year resumes Saturday at home against Peru.