1. 哲学博士:美国生命科学研究领域有二种教授: 哲学博士(PhD)和医学博士(MD)(当然还有少数PhD加MD). PhD教授是做全职科研教学,而MD教授往往还看病人. PhD教授工资不高,遇到实验室的喜事,往往会自己掏钱请大家吃顿饭,很注重实验室的人气.
2. 博士学位:学生的学业品质是有保证的.据了解,国内大学的实验设备及课题要求包括时间安排紧度,内容份量方面目前同澳洲大学一般还是有明显差距的.8.对于想通过曲线去美国或英国等国的,在澳洲读个博士学位(PHD)(主要为科学类,理工科,
3. 博士生:为了减少他们来国外学习的费用和减轻他们经济上的负担,以使更多希望到都灵理工大学学习和研究的中国学生实现自己的理想,都灵理工大学向自费留学的本科生(Bachelor) 、硕士研究生(Master Science)、博士生(PhD) 全免学费.
4. 博士:析师、美国特许金融分析师(CFA)、金融风险管理师 (FRM)学历 美国普渡大学(Purdue University) 经济学 博士 (PhD)专业证照 美国特许金融分析师(CFA)、金融风险管理师(FRM)专业证照 中华民国合格会计师(CPA)及内部稽核师(CIA
5. phd:pulmonary-heart disease; 肺心病
6. phd:pulmonary heart disease; 肺原性心脏病
7. phd:physical do; 生理
8. phd:parallel head disc; 平行磁头磁碟
1. PhD的近义词
1. Of course, there are additional conditions besides a PhD in economic subjects.
2. PhD的近义词
2. The Phd students do deserve commendation for opposing the behavior of blindly following a trend.
3. The program is formally known as PhD in Law, majoring in International and Comparative Law.
4. After getting a PhD degree in computer science at Carnegie Mellon University in 1988, his career progressed smoothly through a series of globally leading IT companies.
5. PhD students besieged me with requests for help in gaining admittance to American or EU universities.
6. Kan said his evaluation criteria for technology was learnt at Stanford University, where he received his telecommunications PhD in 1984.
7. PhD的意思
7. Ma has a PhD from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and is a member of the Security Advisory Committee for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
8. PhD的翻译
8. He graduated from the Department of Economics of Xiamen University in Fujian in 1982 and held a PhD in economics.
9. Some cadres at the army and divisional levels even have PhD or master's degrees.
10. A student has sued Leeds University for throwing out lizard excrement he collected for his PhD thesis.