
Pluto [ˈplu:təʊ]  [ˈplu:toʊ] 

Pluto 基本解释


名词<天>冥王星; <希腊>冥府之神,冥王

Pluto 网络解释


1. 布鲁托:◎在希臘神話中,冥府之神布魯托(Pluto)深愛小仙女蜜斯(Minthe),但他的愛戀被太座發現後,布魯托只好把蜜斯(Minthe)變成「薄荷」這種香草.

2. 普路托:它於[[1930年]]1月被發现,並以[[罗马神话]]中的冥王[[普路托]](Pluto)命名,中文意译为冥王星. 起初,它被认为是太阳系中的一颗行星,但是在[[2006年]][[8月24日]]于[[布拉格]]舉行的第26屆[[国际天文联会]]中通过第五號決議,

3. 普路同:希腊神话中,冥王哈迪斯与冥界是不分家的,罗马神话里面,普路同与哈迪斯也不分家,可是基督教一来,渐渐的,哈迪斯(Hades)就与普路同(Pluto)分家了. 普路同渐渐与堕天使露西菲尔(就是魔王撒旦)融合,成为了恶的化身(圣里哈迪斯的造型,

Pluto 单语例句

1. It will now become a " dwarf planet " along with Pluto.

2. It is the solar system's fifth dwarf planet, in the same category and region as Pluto.

3. Reducing Pluto to a " dwarf planet " in no way reduces its importance to science.

4. Pluto是什么意思

4. The first stage of Woodside's Pluto LNG project is more than 80 percent complete and initial LNG is expected in early 2011.

5. The close encounter allowed New Horizons to make use of Jupiter's gravity to shave three years from its travel time to Pluto.

6. Minnie and Pluto would wear their new outfits to greet guests throughout the Chinese New Year celebration from January 29 to early February.

7. Li said a " historical error " had already been committed when Pluto was named the ninth planet in the solar system.

8. It is currently three times farther from Earth than Pluto, the ninth and outermost planet.

9. Woodside said it aims to approve a second phase at Pluto by the end of next year and a third in 2011.

10. The sun is eight light minutes from Earth, and Pluto is 12 light hours away.