1. 波茨坦:(更多图片,请阅:http://blog.sina.com.cn/dugujinglonger,天空,树木和沙洲) 波茨坦(Potsdam)是德国的一个小城,距离德国首都柏林20多公里. 象大多数人一样,我对波茨坦的了解,限于1945年第二次世界大战接近结束时具有历史意义 ......
2. 波兹坦:G8财长会议将在5月18日至19日于德国波兹坦(Potsdam)举行. 他们将讨论预算管理及如何维持债务可持续性,此前世界银行(World Bank)和非洲开发银行(African Development Bank)在06年免去了数十亿美元的债务. 上周(5月7日当周),
3. 波土坦(晚寒武纪):波特尼(前寒武纪) Bottnisk | 波土坦(晚寒武纪) Potsdam | 波纹扭形贝 Cymostrophia
4. 德国北方都市:Potamon 溪蟹属 | Potsdam 德国北方都市 | Pottstown 波茨敦
1. Potsdam什么意思
1. The Cairo Declaration of 1943 and the Potsdam Proclamation of 1945 defined the terms for the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II.
2. Potsdam的翻译
2. The author is professor of physics of the oceans at Potsdam University and department head at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
3. It is an initiator of and state party to the Potsdam Declaration.
4. Potsdam的翻译
4. Carlo Jaeger is the founder of the European Climate Forum and research head at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
5. It was signed over to Moscow in the Potsdam accords at the end of World War II.
6. The Potsdam Declaration is a multilateral treaty and no state can unilaterally modify or repeal it.
7. This is necessary for the implementation of the terms of the Potsdam Declaration.
8. Ukraine's World Cup players complained Tuesday that frogs were disturbing the sleep of the squad at their lakeside hotel in Potsdam.
9. Potsdam
9. The emperor of Japan addressed his nation by radio announcing acceptance of the Potsdam Proclamation and Japan's unconditional surrender to the Allies.
10. Potsdam
10. But the islands automatically reverted to China from the time Japan unconditionally surrendered and accepted the Potsdam Proclamation at the end of World War II.