
Presbyterian [ˌprezbɪˈtɪəriən]  [ˌprezbɪˈtɪriən] 


Presbyterian 基本解释

名词长老派成员(长老会为苏格兰国教及美国最大教会之一); 长老制主义者

形容词长老会的; 长老制的

Presbyterian 网络解释


1. 長老派:16世纪末,各集团中形成了两个主要派别,长老派(presbyterian)和独立派(Independents). 前者代表资产阶级和新贵族上层的利益,主张建立一个隶属于国家的长老制教会组织. 代表人物为T.卡特赖特;后者代表中等资产阶级和新贵族的利益,

2. 长老会:- 例如:天主教(Catholic),圣公会(Anglican),卫理会(Wesleyan)- 以长老为最高权威, 例如: 长老会(Presbyterian),归正宗/改革宗(Reformed)- 以会友大会为最高的权威, 例如: 浸信会(Baptist),

3. 长老会教徒:他们制造出如 此大的冲突,以至于造成了很多黑人家庭关系的破裂,而且,甚至更糟,尤其当 天主教徒,英国圣公会 教徒(Anglican),循道宗信徒(Methodist),长老会教徒(Presbyterian)遍及非洲的时候.这种蓄谋导 致的同一类冲突,

4. 基督教长老会:戴维森学院在社区活跃,与基督教长老会(Presbyterian)交流密切. 学院还对学生提供多种方式的经济补贴,如:奖学金,学生贷款,校园工作等等,学校会根据每一位学生的家庭情况给予一种或多种补助方式.

Presbyterian 词典解释

1. 长老制的,长老会的(尤指苏格兰和美国的新教教会)
    Presbyterian means belonging or relating to a Protestant church, found especially in Scotland or the United States, which is governed by a body of official people all of equal rank.

    e.g. ...a Presbyterian minister.
    e.g. ...long Presbyterian sermons.

2. 长老会教徒
    A Presbyterian is a member of the Presbyterian church.

Presbyterian 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The First Presbyterian Church said anyone handing in a gun would get $ 50 which it suggested could be spent on candy or flowers.

2. She was tracked down and identified as a divorcee working for a Manhattan presbyterian church who had told nobody about the affair.


3. To be honest, what I've seen offends my Presbyterian conscience.

4. More than 160 people were lined up when the polls opened at First Presbyterian Church in Allentown.